Management Philosophy
01 Contributing to Local Communities
Support lives that are more comfortable for our customers by guaranteeing safe, reliable, and appropriately priced energy with a small environmental footprint through supply methods optimized for local communities, and contribute to environmental protection and disaster preparedness efforts in those communities. Furthermore, as a member of local communities, we take an active role in improving their value, and we believe that by fulfilling our tax obligations, we are also contributing to society.
02 Aiming for Sustainable Corporate Growth
We believe that contributing to local communities and growing our customer base reinforces our business foundation, and we are working hard to improve long-term corporate value by ensuring reasonable profits and making efficient investments. Furthermore, we are striving to improve shareholder value through continual and stable dividends, accompanied by a strong internal control system.
03 Holding Human Resources in High Regard
We believe that human resources, including our own employees, are crucial assets supporting our corporation. Operating in a manner that enables us to maximize the potential of our employees, so that we can offer services that are tailor-made for our customers, is essential to sustainable corporate growth. The happiness of our employees, business partners, and their families is the essential underpinning therein, and we aim to further improve it through our business efforts.