Nippon Gas Co., Ltd.
Nippon Gas Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the Company") recognizes its social responsibility to properly protect information that allows identification of specific persons (hereinafter "personal information"), including customers, shareholders, and business partners with whom the Company engages in corporate activities. The Company will observe the matters stipulated in the following Personal Information Protection Policy (hereinafter "this Policy") and will strive for the proper handling and management of personal information. Any revision to this Policy will be announced to persons concerned or on this website.
1. Basic Policy
◉ The Company will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines, internal regulations,
etc., and will continuously review and work to improve its initiatives concerning the protection of personal
◉ The Company will establish structures to properly manage personal information, will appoint a manager in charge
of personal information, and will undertake proper management of the protection of personal information.
◉ The Company will conduct education and training for personnel (employees, officers, etc.) of the Company
regarding protection, proper management methods, etc. for personal information, and will enforce the
proper handling of personal information in daily work.
◉ The Company will acquire personal information by legal and fair methods, and, specifying the purpose of use of
personal information to the extent possible, will handle the information within the scope of the purpose of use.
◉ The Company will establish appropriate and necessary preventive and corrective safety measures to protect
personal information from leakage, loss, destruction, etc.
◉ The Company will respond appropriately to persons concerned concerning complaints, requests for consultation,
disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, etc.
◉ When outsourcing the handling of personal information, the Company will conclude appropriate agreements that
include safety management measures with outsourced work contractors, and will establish necessary measures
that include thorough management and supervision of said contractors.
◉ The Company will handle personal information concerning corporate and other customers appropriately in
accordance with this Policy.
2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
(1) Personal information concerning customers
① For the implementation of safety work on equipment for the supply of gas and electricity (hereinafter
"energy") and consumer equipment (kitchen, hot water supply, air conditioning, and other equipment)
② For energy contracts and energy supply contracts, for stable supply of energy and promotion of its expansion,
and for work on energy supply facilities
③ For the provision of services related to the energy supply business, including automatic notification of leaks
and abnormalities and remote cutoff of supply
④ For the identification of amount of energy usage, charges, etc. in meter reading work (including cases of
remote meter reading via automated meter reading equipment)
⑤ For improvement of efficiency and quality in connection to delivery and security operations
⑥ For the provision of remodeling services, and for sales, installation, repair/inspection, and after-sales
servicing of energy consumption equipment, alarms and other equipment, and residential
equipment (including lease/rental of these)
⑦ For the provision of information on other related products or services (clothing, bedding, health foods, home
appliances, drinking water, non-life insurance, fiber optic
services, video distribution services, storage services, investment management services, online mail order
services for daily foods/miscellaneous goods/etc., other services related to customers' living) handled by
the Company, its subsidiaries, its affiliated companies, or its partner companies, via advertising leaflets,
direct mail, telemarketing, etc.
⑧ For the conclusion of agreements related to businesses, operations, etc., for delivery and billing, and for
exercise of rights and fulfillment of obligations in accordance with agreements, laws, etc.
⑨ For management, collection, transfer, procurement of funds, etc. for receivables involving payment, etc.
⑩ For work related to usage fees and other account transfer payment
procedures, payment settlement procedures, etc. in accordance with agreements
⑪ For notices concerning services and products related to businesses, for PR, for the conducting of
questionnaires and other monitor surveys, for marketing, etc.
⑫ For the display of status of browsing content on the Company's website, for assessment by the Company of
browsing status tendencies, and for improvement of the convenience of the website
⑬ For response to customer inquiries, etc.
⑭ For improvement of businesses and customer service, and enhancement of quality
⑮ For cancellation of transactions and for administration following cancellation of transactions
⑯ For the implementation of other work incidental to the above
(2) Personal information concerning shareholders
① For the exercise of rights and fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the Companies Act and other laws
and regulations
② For the sending of business reports and other distributed materials, and for the provision of services to
③ For the execution of shareholder administrative work
(3) Personal information concerning business partners
① For response to notifications, contact, inquiries, etc. necessary in work
② For the fulfillment of agreements concluded with the Company
③ For payment and billing of charges in accordance with agreements (management, collection, transfer,
procurement of funds, etc. involving claims related to billing charges, etc.)
④ For the cancellation of transactions and for administration following cancellation of transactions
(4) Personal information concerning applicants for employment
① For the implementation and management of hiring work
② For contact, provision of employment information, etc. to applicants for employment
(5) Personal information concerning personnel (employees, officers, etc.) and the families of personnel
① For fulfillment of obligations in accordance with laws, regulations, etc., and for notification and reporting to
government bodies
② For employment management, personnel management, and health management
③ For necessary contact in emergencies, etc.
(6) Personal information concerning retirees, etc.
① For fulfillment of obligations in accordance with laws, regulations, etc., and for notification and reporting to
government bodies
② For payment of retirement pay, etc.
③ For contact necessary for fraternization activities
④ For the provision of information on business activities, etc.
(7) Personal information concerning participants/members/etc. of affiliated organizations
① For contact, consultation, consideration, negotiation, information provision, exchange of handouts, etc.
related to public relations
② For the operation of joint work and for associated contact, consultation, consideration, information provision,
exchange of handouts, etc.
(8) Personal information concerning neighboring residents
For necessary contact in emergencies, etc.
(9) Personal information concerning the recordings by security cameras installed at the Company's facilities
For prevention of crime and maintenance of safety in facilities
3. Outsourcing of Work
(1) The Company may outsource work involving the handling of personal information, within the scope of the purpose
of use indicated to persons concerned. In such cases, the Company will conclude appropriate outsourcing
agreements, confidentiality agreements, etc. with outsourced work contractors, including provisions that
mandate the protection of personal information and provisions that restrict the purpose of use.
(2) When outsourcing work involving the handling of personal information, the Company will select as outsourced
work contractors those parties that meet standards for safety management measures set forth by the Company,
and will engage in proper management and supervision concerning the handling of personal information.
4. Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Except in the cases stipulated in "2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information" above or when any of the following cases apply, the Company will not disclose or provide personal information to a third party.
◉ The persons concerned have granted consent
◉ Disclosure or provision is required by laws or regulations
◉ Disclosure or provision is necessary for the protection of life, person, or property, and obtaining the consent of the
persons concerned is difficult
◉ Disclosure or provision is necessary for improvement of public health or the sound development of children, and
obtaining the consent of the persons concerned is difficult
◉ Cooperation with the national government or local government bodies is necessary for the implementation of
public affairs, and the risk exists that obtaining the consent of the persons concerned could impede the
performance of said affairs
5. Shared use of Personal Information
The Company will engage in shared use of personal information as follows.
(1) Information items to be used
Name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, FAX number, email address, information concerning household, information concerning agreements, information concerning security camera/voice recordings, etc., information concerning sales of energy supply equipment (including drawings related to supply equipment, etc. and information on buildings) and other owned equipment (including lease/rental, etc.), information concerning installation and repair history of these (content of repairs, outcomes, causes of failure), information concerning content of agreements for sold/provided products and services and information concerning the status of use of these, information concerning website usage, information concerning results of questionnaires conducted by the Company, information concerning communication/visit history
(2) Scope of parties using information
Energy Sola Platforms Co., Ltd., Nihongasu Koji, Inc., Nippon Gas Unyuseibi Co., Ltd., ENERGY PLUS 1 CO., LTD., KUMONO UCYUSEN CO., LTD., Tokyo Energy Alliance Co., Ltd.
(3) Purpose of use
Information may be used jointly within the scope stipulated in "2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information" above.
(4) Other
① Click here for details of joint use with gas retailers and general pipeline service providers.
② Click here for details of joint use with retail electric power business operators, general electricity transmission
and distribution utilities, etc.
(5) Person responsible for management
Kunihiko Kashiwaya, Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer
Nippon Gas Co., Ltd.
4-31-8 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
6. Handling of Sensitive Personal Information
With the exception of cases in which consent is obtained from the persons concerned in advance or when in accordance with laws and regulations, the Company will not handle sensitive personal information involving customers, etc. (i.e., information concerning race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal history, or facts of victimization by crime, or information otherwise requiring special consideration in handling to prevent the occurrence of unjust discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantage toward the persons concerned).
7. Appropriate Handling of Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information
8. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information (Excluding Shareholder Information)
(1) Requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of personal information
(hereinafter "disclosure, etc.")
When a request for disclosure, etc. of personal information held by the Company (excluding personal information concerning shareholders) is made by the person concerned, the Company will respond within a reasonable period and within reasonable limits, after confirming that the request is from the person concerned or a party recognized as a legitimate representative thereof. To request disclosure, etc., please prepare the application documents and mail them to the following address.
To: Personal Information Protection Manager (General Manager, Legal Department), Nippon Gas Co., Ltd.
4-31-8 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8582
* Please note that requests made by direct visit to the Company, by phone, or by email cannot be accepted.
* As important personal information will be sent, please send the items by registered mail with certificate of
delivery. Please note that the Company bears no responsibility for any damages to customers due to loss, etc.
if items are sent by general mail.
Application Documents
The following documents are required to request disclosure, etc.
① Application Form for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information (download here)
② Documents to verify identity
A copy of driver's license, health insurance card, or other official certificate identifying the person concerned
③ When making a request through a representative, the following documents are required in addition to
documents ① and ②.
* Documents verifying the identity of the representative
A copy of driver's license, health insurance card, or other official certificate identifying the representative
* Documents verifying power of representation
If the person concerned is a minor, a public certificate verifying power of representation
If the person concerned is an adult, a registration certificate certifying status as a legal representative
In the case of a representative delegated by the person concerned, a letter of designation and the certificate of seal impression for the person concerned who placed a seal on the letter of designation
(2) Cases of inability to address requests for disclosure, etc.
When the Company is unable to address a request for disclosure, etc., it will notify the requester of said fact and the reason for it.
9. Disclosure, etc. of Shareholder Information and Contact Information
Disclosure, etc. of shareholder information and inquiries will be handled by the main branch and by nationwide branches of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, the transfer agent for Nippon Gas Co., Ltd. Please contact the following for inquiries regarding shareholder information. Depending on the content of the inquiry, submission of specified documents is required. Please note that it may not be possible to respond to submitted requests for disclosure, etc. of shareholder information due to restrictions placed by the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and other related laws and regulations.
Inquiries regarding shareholder information:
1-1 Nikkocho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 183-0044
Handling Office, Securities Agency Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Toll-free number: 0120-232-711
10. Safety Management Measures
The Company will properly handle personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, this Policy, internal regulations, etc. When handling personal information, the Company will do so properly in accordance with the following safety management measures.
(1) The Company will appoint a person responsible for the handling of personal information (Personal Information
Protection Manager), and will construct and operate safety management systems for the protection of
personal information in a timely and appropriate manner.
(2) The Company will clearly specify personnel who handle personal information and the scope of personal
information handled by said personnel, and will establish a structure for reporting to the responsible manager
when violations or signs of violation of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, this Policy, internal
regulations, etc. are recognized.
(3) The Company will conduct regular education for personnel regarding points to note in the handling of personal
(4) In zones in which personal information is handled, the Company will control matters including entry and exit by
personnel and equipment brought in, and will establish measures to prevent the viewing and use of personal
information by unauthorized parties.
(5) The Company will implement access controls for personal information, will limit the scope of personal information
handled, and will regularly review its information management structure to ensure that such safety
management measures are properly established.
(6) When outsourcing work involving the handling of personal information, the Company will outsource the work to
parties that meet standards for outsourced work contractor selection set forth by internal regulations, etc., and,
after concluding agreements that impose confidentiality obligations, etc. on said contractors, will properly
manage work by the contractors. In addition, the Company will only entrust personal information to contractors
that have established safety management measures that meet standards set forth in the Company's internal
(7) In the event of a personal information leak, etc., the Company will issue timely reports to regulatory agencies in
accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and internal regulations, and, in accordance
with instructions by regulatory agencies, will take measures to prevent occurrence of similar incidents and other
measures to prevent recurrence. However, in cases of serious infringement of the rights and interests of the
persons concerned due to the incident, the Company will take necessary measures such as notification to the
persons concerned.
11. Supplementary Provisions
(1) Personal information acquired and held before the enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Personal
Information (before March 31, 2005) will continue to be used within the scope of "2. Purpose of Use of
Personal Information" above.
(2) The Company requests that persons under the age of 16 provide personal information to the Company only with
the consent of a guardian.
(3) The Company may change its Personal Information Protection Policy as necessary for reasons including revisions to
laws and regulations. Such changes to content will be announced on this website, etc.
12. Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
Please direct any complaints, requests for consultation, etc. regarding personal information to the below, in writing or via the Inquiry Form. Please note that inquiries cannot be accepted by phone or by visit to the Company.
To: Personal Information Protection Manager (General Manager, Legal Department), Nippon Gas Co., Ltd.
4-31-8 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8582
Inquiry Form
13. Revisions (Date of Publication / Date of Entry into Force)
January 1, 2024
January 1, 2024
Kunihiko Kashiwaya
Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer
Nippon Gas Co., Ltd.